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Journal Cover page – Volume 3 Issue 1- 2016 |
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Contents |
1. |
Hyperlactatemia in critically ill– A Review
Subhranshu Sekhar Kar
2. |
Effect of Inoculums with Different Carrier based Application of Alginate Entrapped Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza
A. Balasubramanian
3. |
Assessment of knowledge attitude and practice about Ebola virus disease (EVD) among health care professionals (HCP) at Adama hospital medical college(AHMC) Oromia region Ethiopia
Lemma Bose Meskele and Tadesse Haile Fereja
4. |
Efficacy of different insecticides against two spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Acari: Tetranychidae) on cotton in ecological zone of Bahawalnagar.
Laila Khalid, Dr.Kashif Bhutta, Mueen-u-Din and Masood Qadir Waqar.
5. |
Comparative efficacy of some insecticides against white fly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) on bt cotton crop in ecological zone of Bahawalnagar
Laila Khalid, Dr. Kashif Bhutta, Rizwan Amjad, Mueen-u-Din and Masood Qadir Waqar. |
6. |
Internet Addiction and its Psychological Problems among Nursing Students of Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Bulu Mahanty and Prof. Gopabandhu. Mishra |
7. |
Biochemical Changes in estuarine fish Mugil cephalus exposed to industrial effluent
S.Pappa jeba sangeetha, T.Lenin, A. Arokia sundaram, P.Sampathkumar |
8. |
Differences in Right and Left Brain Dominance and Creative Thinking
S.Bhuvaneswari and Dr. T. Sarala |
9. |
In vitro plant regeneration of Hydrocotyle conferta Wight -A medicinally important of Southern India
S. Karuppusamy and M. Jayakumar |
10. |
Screening of Brinjal Rhizosphere Soil for Assessment of AM Fungi
Patale S. W. |